BAUERFEIND 台灣又叫保爾範,相信好多打籃球的朋友都對它的護膝產品不陌生,尤其最常見到GenuTrain護膝運動系列產品Sports Knee Support出現在球場上 (想瞭解更多護膝的分別可以看這邊介紹)。

BAUERFEIND最初是由生產醫用壓力襪而聞名的 (如想瞭解更多資料可參閱這邊的介紹),因此其醫療護具的技術絕對不用懷疑。

這邊跟大家介紹一下醫療產品線 (MEDICAL LINE) 的 GenuTrain® P3 護膝,方便大家瞭解產品的特點,以便根據自身的情況挑選合適的護膝型號。

Bauerfeind GenuTrain® P3 是一款針對膝蓋骨錯位症狀的護膝,舒緩由此引發的疼痛和發炎症狀,以及周邊肌肉、肌腱和關節的疼痛。

Bauerfeind’s GenuTrain® P3 relieves pain and inflammation caused by misalignment of the kneecap and pain radiating from muscles, tendons and joints around the knees.

GenuTrain® P3 護膝在每次活動期間保護和穩定膝蓋骨。配合矯正束帶一起,整個環形軟墊將膝蓋骨穩固地保持在自然的中心位置,防止發生位移。

GenuTrain P3 braces and supports protect, secure and stabilize the kneecap during each and every movement. Together with a corrective strap, the integrated ring-shaped pad holds the kneecap securely in a natural, central position and prevents any drifting.

同時,Hoffa 軟墊可以促進放鬆大腿外側的緊張肌肉。

While a second, wedge-shaped pad encourages relaxation of tight muscles in the outer thigh.

GenuTrain® P3 護膝利用輕柔的壓力,提供舒緩的按摩效果,同時減輕腫脹和疼痛。

如果你患有 Tight IT band,GenuTrain® P3 護膝亦有助於放鬆大腿外側的肌肉,以減輕疼痛。

The GenuTrain P3 support exerts gentle compression, which provides a soothing massage effect while also reducing swelling and pain. If you have a tight IT band, the GenuTrain P3 support helps relax the muscles on the outside of the thigh to relieve pain.



The breathable knit contours to your body shape, to encase the knee perfectly, and adapts to every movement without slipping or constricting.

The soft knit fabric is extra stretchy, machine-washable in the gentle cycle, which helps maintain its elasticity and original fit. The fabric is breathable to keep sweat away from your body.


經過上述的說明內容,相信大家對 GenuTrain® P3 的定位已經有基礎認識,下面再總結一下產品的構造和作用原理︰

1. 肌肉放鬆墊減少膝蓋骨的側拉扯,進一步減輕疼痛,並通過舒緩按摩放鬆肌肉。
2. 矯正引導 – 阻止膝蓋骨向外位移以緩解不適,幫助康復而不喪失活動能力。
3. 髕骨覆蓋,對抗髕骨的傾斜。
4. 矯正束帶可單獨進行調節,以實現膝蓋骨最好的控制。
5. 軟墊翼延伸至股內側肌,改善本體感覺。
6. 環形軟墊圍繞膝蓋骨,以使其穩定置中。
7. Hoffa 軟墊上的兩個壓力點可緩解膝蓋下方的壓力,這往往是最常引起痛楚的位置。

產品適用的治療症狀包括Knee cap tracking problems (lateral tracking problems), Knee cap dislocation (or subluxation), Runners knee, Tight IT band, Patella femoral syndrome (or pain).

立即使用Bauerfeind GenuTrain® P3 護膝去糾正膝蓋骨移位,舒緩痛楚,重拾你的積極生活方式!



Authorized by BAUERFEIND.


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Tag: BAUERFEINDGenutrain P3護膝, Knee Braces and Supports, 運動系列護具醫療系列護具